Tenant Responsibilities

As a tenant, you are responsible for keeping your rental unit in check during the winter season. As cold weather arrives, please take the following precautions to prevent freezing of interior or exterior water pipes. For any damage that might result from neglect of any of these precautions, you will be accountable.
As cold weather arrives, please take the following precautions to prevent freezing of interior or exterior water pipes:
  1. Turn OFF all interior water valves to exterior faucets. OPEN exterior faucets (leave them open). Detach and drain hoses.
  2. During very low temperatures, increase warm air circulation by opening interior doors and cabinet doors under the sinks, especially when water lines are next to exterior walls.
  3. In the event of a burst water line, immediately TURN OFF the interior main water valve and report the problem to property management.
  4. Keep air returns clean and adjust air registers for best possible balance of warm air circulation to all areas of the house. If your house has a damper on the furnace duct, change the setting from “Summer” to “Winter” (there will be written indication on the ductwork).
  5. Change furnace filters every month or two to insure proper performance of the heating and air conditioning systems, which reduces operating costs.
  6. In the event of power failure, immediately report the problem to your power company.
  7. In the event of heating system failure, immediately report the problem to Dyer Management.
  8. In the event of a power or heating system failure of extended duration, allow interior faucets to drip slightly to reduce the possibility of frozen water lines.In the event you will be gone for an extended period of time, maintain the house temperature above 55 degrees F. Have a friend or neighbor check your home during your absence to insure the heating system is functioning. If you are going to be gone for more than two weeks, please inform Dyer Management.
  9. Keep storm doors, storm windows and garage doors closed.
  10. If you are responsible for landscaping, trim all shrubs, rake all leaves, and clean gutters; the best time for all these items is after the Thanksgiving holiday.

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